Hi, I'm Jay 👋🏽

"Per Aspera Ad Astra"
Monte Altissimo Di nago in Italy

I am a web developer from Ottawa, Ontario. I've been developing and designing web applications for 3 years. I'm currently studying Web Design and Development for 2 years. As a creative and ambitious person, I love to learn new things and to create new things. I'm always eager to expand my skill set and embrace emerging technologies that enhance the functionality and aesthetics of the web apps I create.

Recent projects
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Work Experience
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  • Aug2022 - Present
    Sales Associate

    • Achieved top sales over $400 multiple times, consistently surpassing 100% of sales goals per shift.
    • Demonstrated proficiency in product knowledge through research and delivered exceptional interpersonal communication.

Let's Connect!

If you want to get in touch with me about something or just to say hi, reach out on LinkedIn or send me an email.